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The reinvented Ulvestad Variation

Looking for an aggressive way to meet the popular Two Knights Variation, but don’t fancy too much opening theory? After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 - try the move 5…b5!? and catch your opponent off-guard with the Ulvestad Variation! An ambitious counter-strike, which will come as a surprise to many White players - most of whom will be more familiar with the heavily investigated alternative 5…Na5. With our choice, Black immediately sets the tone by neutralizing White’s attack against the pawn on f7, and intends to take the initiative. From all White’s available options, the critical move 6.Bf1 may still be known to some as the engines’ top move; but most likely, that’s where their preparation ends! New ideas have been discovered, and in various variations Black obtains wonderful piece play as compensation for the pawn, resulting in promising attacking possibilities. With the right mix of general ideas and direct play, the Ulvestad Variation will become your best friend!


Muestra de vídeo


  • The reinvented Ulvestad Variation
  • 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 b5
  • Introduction
  • 6.dxc6
  • 6.Bb3
  • 6.Be2
  • 6.Bxb5
  • Main Line 6.Bf1 Minor options
  • Main Line 6.Bf1 and 8.d4
  • Outro

Aperturas abiertas

Tras 1.e4 e5 tenemos las llamadas aperturas abiertas. Este orden de jugadas era casi obligatorio antiguamente y por ello alguna de las más famosas partidas en la historia del ajedrez comienzan así, como la Inmortal o la Siempreviva. En la actualidad, los principiantes aprenden en primer lugar las aperturas abiertas, donde nos encontramos con el famoso mate pastor (2.Dh5 Cc6 3.Ac4 Cf6 4.Dxf7 mate). Por otro lado, 1...e5 está considerado como la respuesta más sólida y por ello es la predominante en el ajedrez de alto nivel.

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